Ronny LeJeune, CCFT, Cert.CN, CCFC
Quest, German Shorthaired Pointer
Ronny LeJeune is the dog trainer for Optimal Canine and she has been professionally working with dogs since 2015.
She has experience with dogs of all sizes, breeds, and personalities. However, her specialty is training high energy, performance, and working dog teams to facilitate the cultivation of a strong relationship and minimize conflict in daily life, competition, and work.
Ronny actively avoids the use of aversive equipment and training methods in all of her programs. Therefore, she does not use choke chains, prong collars, ecollars, force, intimidation, or fear when training dogs. However, she recognizes the complexities that lead to choosing to use prongs and ecollars with dogs; and she accepts teams who use these tools because she holds no judgement and believes in helping everyone where they are in their dog training journey.
She actively competes in scent detection, tracking, dock diving, and barn hunt. She routinely enrolls in continued education and holds multiple certifications:
Certified Canine Fitness Trainer (CCFT)
University of Tennessee
Certified in Canine Nutrition (Cert.CN)
Companion Animal Science Institute (CASI)
Certified Canine Fitness Coach (CCFC)
Do More With Your Dog (DMWYD)